Friday, 24 October 2014

PDF⋙ Fisher-Price Little People: Let's Imagine on the Farm (Lift-the-Flap) by Fisher-Price

Fisher-Price Little People: Let's Imagine on the Farm (Lift-the-Flap) by Fisher-Price

Fisher-Price Little People: Let's Imagine on the Farm (Lift-the-Flap)

Fisher-Price Little People: Let's Imagine on the Farm (Lift-the-Flap) by Fisher-Price PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Meet the brand-new Little People characters in this whimsical flap book about the farm! Activities on every spread enforce early learning concepts.

Eddie, Koby, Tessa, Mia, and Sofie are curious kids with BIG imaginations and lots of questions. How do pigs keep cool? Where do horses sleep? Where does milk come from? The answers might surprise you! Busy scenes, learning activities, and more than 50 surprise flaps will keep kids coming back again and again.

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Fisher-Price Little People: Let's Imagine on the Farm (Lift-the-Flap) by Fisher-Price EPub

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