A New Era in Global Health: Nursing and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
A New Era in Global Health: Nursing and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Explores the great potential for nursing involvement in promoting global health. This unique text elucidates the relationship between global nursing and global health, underscoring the significance of nurses' contributions in furthering the Post-2015 Agenda of the United Nations regarding global health infrastructures, and examining myriad opportunities for nurses to promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and foster health and healthy environments worldwide. While past nursing literature has emphasized nursing's potential involvement and influence in the global arena, this is the first book to identify, validate, and promote nurses' proactive and multidimensional work in furthering current transnational goals for advancing health on a global scale. The book includes an introduction to global health, clarification of terms and roles, perspectives on education, research, and theory related to global nursing, a history of the partnership between the United Nations and the nursing profession, an in-depth exploration of the 17 SDGs and relevant nursing tasks, as well as several chapters on creating a vision for 2030 and beyond. It is based on recent and emerging developments in the transnational nursing community, and establishes, through the writings of esteemed global health and nursing scholars, a holistic dialogue about opportunities for nurses to expand their roles as change agents and leaders in the cross-cultural and global context. The personal reflections of contributors animate such topics as global health ethics, the role of caring in a sustainable world, creating a shared humanity, cultural humility, and many others. Key Features:* Examines, for the first time, nursing's role in each of the 17 SDGs* Integrates international initiatives delineating nursing's role in the future of global health* Creates opportunities for nurses to redefine their contributions to global health* Includes personal reflections to broaden perspectives and invite transnational approaches to professional development* Distills short, practical, and evidence-based chapters describing global opportunities for nurses in practice, education, and researchFrom reader reviews:
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