Friday 25 March 2016

PDF⋙ Adult Coloring Journal: Codependents of Sex Addicts Anonymous (Floral Illustrations, Ladybug) by Courtney Wegner

Adult Coloring Journal: Codependents of Sex Addicts Anonymous (Floral Illustrations, Ladybug) by Courtney Wegner

Adult Coloring Journal: Codependents of Sex Addicts Anonymous (Floral Illustrations, Ladybug)

Adult Coloring Journal: Codependents of Sex Addicts Anonymous (Floral Illustrations, Ladybug) by Courtney Wegner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Clinical Therapist, Courtney Wegner has carefully selected the illustrations and 12 Steps prompts in this interactive adult coloring journal for their meditative power to enhance the recovery of anyone engaged in a 12 Step program and to aid in their journey of self-discovery and an addiction free path to happiness. The 12 Step prompts contained here are an excellent tool and aid for anyone taking the 12 Steps. Features include:

- 80 lightly-lined writing pages provide plenty room to capture your thoughts
- 40 expression pages for jotting down personal reflections, quotes, poems or sketches
- 40 professionally illustrated adult coloring images of varying difficulty
- High quality 70# paper

Each topic is available in different coloring image themes and a wide array of beautiful covers.

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Adult Coloring Journal: Codependents of Sex Addicts Anonymous (Floral Illustrations, Ladybug) by Courtney Wegner EPub

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