Saturday, 29 August 2015

PDF⋙ The Faery Truth: Tonawanda Faery Tales (Volume 2) by Vicktor Alexander

The Faery Truth: Tonawanda Faery Tales (Volume 2) by Vicktor Alexander

The Faery Truth: Tonawanda Faery Tales (Volume 2)

The Faery Truth: Tonawanda Faery Tales (Volume 2) by Vicktor Alexander PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When Eeirena is summoned by her brother Eeian for help regarding his mate, Thomas, she is at first resentful that he has found the man he is destined to be with. But when she begins to have visions and dreams about her own mate, who lives in the human realm, Eeirena searches high and low for a solution. Finally finding the answer she races through the veil, where she collides with her brother Eeian, closing off the veil to anyone wanting to enter and limiting those who want to leave to other locations. Eeirena also comes through the veil as a man and becomes Eeiren, something he always felt he was meant to be. Philip Sands enjoyed his job as a manager at McDonald's. He enjoyed the home he owned in Tonawanda. He didn't enjoy being single and alone and dreaming about the man of his dreams. So when Eeiren steps into his store, Philip finds himself instantly smitten and desperate for the man he's been dreaming about for a long time. But when Philip finds out Eeiren's many secrets: that he's Fae, royalty, a Seer and used to be a woman, will he be able to handle it or will he reject his mate, thereby putting Eeiren's life at risk? Or will he realize that in the end all that matters is that Eeiren is living his truth? And when secrets are revealed about Philip's own past, will he be able to handle the information his own parents kept from him and will that affect him taking his place at Eeiren's side as they continue to search for the people responsible for abducting paranormals, supernaturals, and magicals and selling them off?

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