Why Diets Are Failing Us! (The New Health Conversation Series) by Peter Greenlaw, Dennis Harper D.O., Drew Greenlaw
Why Diets Are Failing Us! (The New Health Conversation Series) by Peter Greenlaw, Dennis Harper D.O., Drew Greenlaw PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
We've added an additional 50 pages with 30% more content!Peter Greenlaw’s revolutionary nutritional technology helped me lose 15 pounds quickly. It has also dramatically improved my athletic performance. I am a believer.
Dr. Bill Andrews
Leading Pioneer in Anti-Aging
Led the team that discovered human telomerase in the 1990's
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John W Anderson
Nutraceutical Research Scientist
Formulator for more than 600 companies, including GNC
The enemy is not calories but toxins.
"Our world and our food are being polluted with toxins. Really bad things happen to our bodies as a result. Nutritional science is showing us how to remove toxins."
Peter shares with you the surprisingly easy way to do this using a safe, fast and sustainable process.
More than one million people have transformed their lives already.
Now, what about you?
This book will tell you:
• How toxicity creates Obesogens in our bodies
• How to gain more energy
• How to experience less stress
• How to sleep better
• Why counting calories will not work
• How to safely lose weight fast
The result? You will live healthier longer!
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