Friday, 14 August 2015

PDF⋙ Fleye Design: Techniques, Insights, Patterns by Bob Popovics, Jay Nichols

Fleye Design: Techniques, Insights, Patterns by Bob Popovics, Jay Nichols

Fleye Design: Techniques, Insights, Patterns

Fleye Design: Techniques, Insights, Patterns by Bob Popovics, Jay Nichols PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In the twelve years since his landmark book Pop Fleyes, Bob Popovics has continued to develop new fly patterns and improve old favorites. His new book includes 36 step-by-step tying and technique tutorials, over 12 new patterns, and numerous variations for every situation, plus contributions from a new generation of fly tiers who have been influenced by his signature style.

  • Includes the Bucktail Deceiver, the Hollow Fleye, and other new patterns that have greatly influenced saltwater tying in the past ten years
  • Improves on old favorites, including a full update for the Surf Candy
  • Features contributions from well-known tiers such as Steve Farrar, Dave Skok, Johnny King, David Nelson, Paul Dixon, and Nick Curcione

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